berikut adlh soalan2 yg insyaAllah akan kuar mase final exam human right doktor waleed human right yg bg mase lecture slase lps.
bg yg xdtg tu, blh la copy sini..
mengikut doktor, 3 soaln akan kuar & hnya jwb 2 soaln
jwpn2 ade dlm buku yg kite fotostat awal2 lecture dulu..
page dpn buku HUMAN RIGHT
dan soalan2 nye adalah
1. Talk about cairo declaration human right in Islam
2. Talk about the protection of the right to life especially in Islam
3. Talk about the right to human dignity
4. Define law and show its different cateogories
5. Talk about the different generation of human rights
6. How do the western writers view human rights in Islam
7. Talk about human right conflicts between Islam and Western
8. Talk about the protection of human right in Malaysia
9. Talk abou the freedom of religion in Islam
10. Talk about the position of woman in Islam
2. m/s 3
3. entah
4. m/s 1
5. m/s 2
6. entah
7. m/s 257
8. Between men and woman, between Islam and other religion
9. entah
10. entah
p/s - credit to baem & ijak sufian for contributing both Qs and As
~ dan sape2 yg nk myumbang jwpn, amat dialu2 kan lah.. same2 berkongsi.. SHARING IS CARING la katakn..
~ jwpn boleh diemelkn pd sy, dn sy publish dlm blog
~ ataupn trus je bg jwpn kt ruang komen ye..
thank you
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